Neoss ProActive® Straight Implant Kit
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Parallel coronal flange
The parallel coronal flange has been carefully designed to provide predictable seating and stability.
Dual surface roughness
The Neoss ProActive® Straight Implant has a low surface roughness flange (Sa <0.4) designed to reduce marginal bone loss, while the rougher body (Sa 1.0) optimizes osseointegration. The low surface roughness flange allows implant placement subcrestal, bone level, or supracrestal.
Neoss ProActive, a super hydrophilic surface
The ProActive® Straight Implant has a super hydrophilic surface demonstrated by an immeasurable low contact angle. The Neoss ProActive® surface has demonstrated faster and stronger osseointegration (when compared to blasted surfaces).1
Straight implant body and unique Thread Cutting and Forming design
A major challenge in modern implant dentistry is to accomplish maximum stability in all bone qualities.2 Neoss® Implants achieve this in a simple and predictable manner by the provision of slight conical implant designs in combination with a secondary cutting face3 resulting in the unique Thread Cutting and Forming (TCF®) design.
Ultraclean low carbon surface
An ultraclean low carbon surface is achieved by a combination of cleaning process and packaging in a glass vial.
Apical design
The apex is designed for initial stability and maximum long-term support. It features an optimized thread and cutting design.
1. Gottlow J & Sennerby L, 2010. ‘Influence of surface and implant design on stability of five commercial titanium implants. A Biomedical study in the rabbit’, AO Meeting, Post 83 2. Renouard F, Nisand D. Short implants in the severely resorbed maxilla: a 2-year retrospective clinical study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2005;7 Suppl 1:S104–10. 3. Meredith N; A review of implant design, geometry and placement. Appl Osseointgrated Res 2008 6 pp 6–12.
Technical specs
Technical specs
Intended Use
Treatment protocols
Neoss® implants are suitable for both conventional and challenging treatment protocols. This includes immediate loading, early loading, immediate replacement, and treatment of patients with poor bone quality and other risks factors.
Indication - Bone Density
The bar illustrates the ideal bone density range for the optimal placement of ProActive® Straight Implants.
See Product Catalog for order details.
Commercially Pure Titanium Grade IV.
The Implant Kit includes Implant, Cover Screw, Healing Abutments in PEEK in two different sizes, and Healing Abutment Screw.
Healing abutments sizes:
Implant kits Ø3.5-4.5: Ø5.0 x 2.7 mm and Ø5.0 x 5.0 mm
Implant kits Ø5.0-6.0: Ø6.5 x 3.3 mm and Ø5.0 x 5.0 mm
Prosthetic platform
The prosthetic platform measures Ø4.0 with six internal rotational positions.
Double thread
The implants are ‘double threaded’ for fast insertion and are designed to achieve additional stability in poor quality bone.
TCF® - Thread Cutting and Forming
Thread cutting is provided by the primary cutting faces. The secondary cutting faces engage and improve cutting in dense bone.
Neoss ProActive surface
The Neoss ProActive® surface is created by a multistage blasting, etching and super hydrophilicity treatment. The surface roughness is Sa 1.0μm over the fully threaded part of the implant and a reduced, Sa <0.4μm, over the flange (~2 mm) of the implant.